
De Vondelbunker Hidden
in the Vondelpark, right under the bridge where tram 3 is riding over,
you find an old fall-out shelter from the year 1947. In 1968 this space
got a new destination and became Amsterdam's first youth-centre:
Beatkelder Lijn 3. Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd and Frank Zappa played here
back in the days. Today the former fall-out shelter is the residency of
a new initiative called De Vondelbunker from the Schijnheilig
collective, breathing new life into the monument with exhibitions,
concerts, theater plays, films, discussions and other creative/activist
websites: www.schijnheilig.org / www.vondelbunker.nl
Vondelpark 8
(under the bridge in the Vondelpark, towards the Park's end at Nassaukade)