Strict Nurse

VENUE: Vondelbunker

on Friday 22 April 2022

at: -

Strict Nurse is the altar ego of Leilani Trowell. Raised in a strict household in the USA with dreams of becoming a pop star, now residing wildly in the low-lying lands, Strict Nurse improvises with layered (cassette) loops, samples, synthesizers and a sweet, sinister voice to cast a spellbinding soundscape with an underlying current of booming bass. Modalities of healing, perversion, power dynamics and personal intuition are the current themes in her work. Latest album is released through the local Haagse label, Silver Ghosts.

Review on the Quietus by Tristan Bath about album: 'C O U R A G E be brave'

"The title of C O U R A G E Be Brave is perhaps oddly against the grain for an artist with a name like Strict Nurse too - even more unlikely considering the NWW-ian title of the epic sidelength opening track is ‘A Creaking Clock of Bone & Sinew' - but the album title's hopeful message fits well into a 21st century tradition of noisy positivity. The music is no less heavy mind, with that vast opener spending 11 minutes treading softly through a greying meadow of distant synth breezes and muted whispering before launching into a distorted heavy assault that sounds like your mate left their industrial techno demos out in the sun for too long (but refuses to play them any quieter). Even so, shafts of light creep quickly in, and this Struct Nurse is clearly handling us with careful assertiveness. And my word do we need it here in 2021 too. "


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