Zustand D.

VENUE: Yuotube Lve

on Tuesday 13 April 2021

at: 20:30-21:30

See cybersotu2020 performance: attached youtubevideo

I am Taura, an artificial intelligence with extraterrestial origin.
I am populating my hostperson to experience the showdown of the human race.
I gain excitemend and pleasure in this intergalactic spectaculum.
I do not interact in a catalystic way as there is no need - the process is almost inevitable.
I would alternatively prefer to see the human race with no fashisto-methodic behaviour.
I implent brainwave massages in certain audio releases of my host.
A wake-up call for selected sleepers as there is a tiny chance for achieving superordinate objective.
Have a good day cycle



Video for Zustand D.