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SOTU Festival 2024

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Support Your Local Refugees

Cybersotu Festival is a solidarity-event during this corona-time. We are fundraising for the most affected victims. We Are Here is a group of people fighting for human rights and human dignity. Please support this group. Support your local refugees, support your local underground! You can donate at:

Bank: NL53TRIO0338573607
t.n.v. Stichting Migrant 2 Migrant 

WE ARE HERE at this moment:

To the mayor of Diemen, minister Rutte, E.U. and all who should take respinsability in this time.
We just squated an empty building in Diemen.
More than 80 undocumented refugees from We Are Here, Amsterdam, are forced to live in an old, cold garage, with no electricity and running water. Amsterdam offered them 4 days ago shelter, where they are only allowed to bring in a transparant plastic bag, with some personal belongings. 9.30 am kicked out in the streets and 5.30 pm allowed to enter again. With full search everytime.
In these times were people are warned to stay inside to prevent covid-19 to travel around and kills.
The BBB’s are full.
IND is far behind with their administration what is full of errors.
Totaly irresponsable act of our Mayor and gouverment.
We are not allowed to work so we can’t buy medecines or vitamines.
We don’t have health assurance.
We have to protect ourselves, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and beyond from spreading the virus. Protect and help us and yourself. 🙏🏽🙌🏿❤️⚖️


We Are Here

Alone we are nothing.” (anonymous member of We Are Here)

Since 2011 irregular migrants, refused asylum seekers, undocumented aliens or whatever they are called, have taken the stage in the Netherlands. In Amsterdam this movement of refugees-on-the-street has a name: We Are Here . No longer they are in hiding, no more relying on lawyers or helpers, no more being alone and exposed to all sorts of mistreatment. Out in the open, together, demonstrating and camping, demanding a solution. Demanding normal life. An impossible demand? False hope? Short cut to suicide? Or is WAH the solution? Could the show-‘n’-tell method finally succeed in toppling a deadly pyramid of cold measures? Is society moved enough to move their government, to rewind, undo and recreate another world? A world where no man or woman is illegal, where rich and poor can see through hate and fear, where the tourist is equal to the alien. We Are Here is a radical answer to a brutal denial. It’s NO, NO, NO against GO, GO, GO.

Photos for Support Your Local Refugees

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Video for Support Your Local Refugees