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SOTU Festival 2024

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Deep Listening

Experimenting with sounds is an important feature of underground music. In our program we present various artists who do so. A few of them are seeking their way in deeep listening, ambient sounds, drones and microtonal structures. Each working in their own way with different influences.

In a special program on Saturday evening at OT301 Ventilatiekamer we present Tim Hollander, Von Nohrfeldt and Core Shif. At 20:30 Tim Hollander kicks off with his experimental sounds. In his music he creates shifting patterns created from micro-sampled deephouse sounds which are combined with dark layered drone and noise sounds.

After this we will be bathe ourselves in the modern compositions of Von Nohrfeldt that will play as trio; Rutger Muller on Laptop, Kim-Josephine Bode on flutes (recorders) and vocals, and Sydney Sitters on piano. In their ambient they as easily blend in influences from modern composers as they do glitchy rhythms and soundscapes. Their short performance at Red Light Radio tasted like more, this is your chance.
At the end of this evening Core Shift takes over with his techno infused ambient soundscapes that inhibit a various layers of droning sounds and synthscapes. It takes direct inspiration from Wolfgang Voight's GAS but brings in enough of his own to make this one amazing experience.

More drones we hear on Sunday afternoon at Budapest where Hellvete (Glen Steenkist from Sylvester Anfang) around 16:00 takes it into the extreme minimalism with his microtonal sounds. Inspired by modern minimalist compositions and Indian ragas Hellvete creates his own sound world that for sure will drag you into a lucid dream. The perfect sounds for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

For Saturday evening you will need a ticket, Sunday is free entrance. To get see your various options on tickets go here